Thursday, June 3, 2010

From Full Fox to Full Fury

Yesterday I started a new chemotherapy treatment plan. My doctor has moved me from "Full Fox" to "Full Fury." Both plans are composed of 3 drugs, one of which is interchangeable. It seems that my cancer has grown resistant to Oxyplatin found in Full Fox. The liver tumor has grown by a 1/2 cm. So now it's time for Irinotecan, found in my Full Fury treatment. Two months of this, and I'll get another scan to see how the tumors are reacting. The doctors want to see the tumors shrinking before they schedule my surgery.

The good news is that the scan didn't show any new tumors. And the one in my lung only grew by 0.1 cm. The cancer activity around all three of my tumor locations has decreased as well. So some progress is being made.

On another note, I'm starting up a new business and can use your support. I've got a few things going on in cyber space. Go to There is a video about a product I discovered, as well as a video about my marketing system. Check out what interests you and send me your feedback. Also, please list yourself as a subscriber to my YouTube channel so I can start getting my numbers up there. And spread the word if you think of anyone who might be interested.

Thanks a lot. I appreciate you.


1 comment:

  1. After several negative biopsies and positive CT/PET scans, my wife Gayle was diagnosed with Stage IV pancreatic cancer which had metastasized to the liver and lymph nodes. She is currently receiving Full Fox, so your article was pertinent to me since she will be evaluated after treatment #6 (she just had #3). I hope you are doing well and that Full Fury has helped. Peter Dunn (peterkdunn(at)
